
Energy Infrastructure

Creation of new value

We have been selling EV vehicles in Asian countries.
To further expand our business based on this business, we will connect our EV vehicles, which are the receiver devices, to IoT and create new value,We will create new value by connecting our EV vehicles, which are the receiver devices, to IoT and building Big Data.

Battery sharing concept challenges low prices

The battery, which accounts for a large portion of the price of EVs, is used in the subscription method.The battery, which is a major component of the EV vehicle price, is removed from the vehicle price,By separating the battery from the price of the vehicle, the low price of the vehicle and the charging infrastructure problem are solved.

Infinite Possibilities from BigData

By managing information from vehicles and switching stations in the cloud and converting it into data, it can be used for vehicle development and improvement, social infrastructure, digital marketing, credit data, and other businesses, thereby accelerating the transition to a next-generation society,This will accelerate the transition to a next-generation society by enabling the diversion of information from vehicles and switching stations to a variety of businesses, including vehicle development and improvement, social infrastructure, digital marketing, and credit data.

diversionary example

  • -Driving patterns →.Congestion Mitigation, Digital Marketing, Station Infrastructure
  • -Driving Style → Insurance Premium Calculation
  • -Subscription Payment →.Customer demographics, credit information, EC payment network
  • -MaaS → Ride sharing, bike sharing